The following VB Script shows how can you validate an IP address by using vb scripting. Just copy and paste in a notepad and save it as .vbs file and then run this.
This script may be used in automation scripts where you want the user to enter an IP address to proceed with the test case.
' ------------------------ Functions/Subroutines --------------------
function is_ip(ip_adress)
is_ip = True
' split string into list
ip_adress_lst = split(ip_adress,".")
' if number of IP adress parts is 4
if uBound(ip_adress_lst) = 3 then
' validate if every IP part is numeric
for each ip_part in ip_adress_lst
if not isNumeric(ip_part) then
is_ip = False
exit for
end if
' if number of IP adress parts is not 4
is_ip = False
end if
end function
sub EnterIP
'textbox for entering value
UserIP = inputbox( "Please Enter the IP Address you wish to" )
'if cancel is pressed
if UserIP = "" then
MsgBox("No Input, Closing the Tool")
end if
if not is_ip (UserIP) then
wscript.echo "This needs to be an IP address like"
call EnterIP
wscript.echo "This is the IP-address submitted by you - '" & UserIP & "'"
end if
end sub
' now calling the subroutine
call EnterIP
This script may be used in automation scripts where you want the user to enter an IP address to proceed with the test case.
' ------------------------ Functions/Subroutines --------------------
function is_ip(ip_adress)
is_ip = True
' split string into list
ip_adress_lst = split(ip_adress,".")
' if number of IP adress parts is 4
if uBound(ip_adress_lst) = 3 then
' validate if every IP part is numeric
for each ip_part in ip_adress_lst
if not isNumeric(ip_part) then
is_ip = False
exit for
end if
' if number of IP adress parts is not 4
is_ip = False
end if
end function
sub EnterIP
'textbox for entering value
UserIP = inputbox( "Please Enter the IP Address you wish to" )
'if cancel is pressed
if UserIP = "" then
MsgBox("No Input, Closing the Tool")
end if
if not is_ip (UserIP) then
wscript.echo "This needs to be an IP address like"
call EnterIP
wscript.echo "This is the IP-address submitted by you - '" & UserIP & "'"
end if
end sub
' now calling the subroutine
call EnterIP
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